Remembering Alma Powell: A Legacy of Grace and Selfless Service

Colin and Alma Powell

We were saddened to learn of the recent passing of Alma Johnson Powell, wife of the late Secretary of State Colin Powell. In many ways, General Powell embodied General Marshall’s timeless model of selfless, effective ethical leadership and “five-star character.” The Marshall Center extends its deepest sympathies to the Powell family at this difficult time.

George and Katherine Marshall

Katherine Marshall was a constant source of support and strength to General Marshall, who addressed her as “Dearest” in their private correspondence. As was the case with General Marshall and Katherine, Colin Powell’s life of service and accomplishment was made possible by the love and sage guidance of Mrs. Powell, who also demonstrated her commitment to selfless service through her leadership roles in organizations that support at-risk youth and strengthen civic engagement.

Ethical leaders don’t work in a vacuum – they grow and thrive thanks to the support of families who often make enormous sacrifices. The Marshall Center is proud to play a role in supporting the next generation of ethical leaders through our “Five-Star Character” Ethical Leadership Conference (ELC) program for high school students.

As we remember Alma Powell, we salute the strength and guidance of those who stand at the side of those who serve our nation.


“Keep the Main Thing”: The Post-Normandy Debate (August 1944)


Congress Advances Marshall Center National Park Service Designation