Topic TBD, stay tuned for more details but save the date for now!
Hailing from Nottinghamshire, England, David Taylor came to the United States in the 1970s as a high school student. He became the BBC Washington producer in 1981 and in 1992 began his career as a documentary producer. He has researched, written and produced well over 25 documentary films and received a Peabody and Emmy awards for his coverage of U.S. and military history. During his career, he has had the opportunity to get to spend time with a host of remarkable historic figures, and he takes great delight in sharing the stories surrounding the creation of the films.
Registration is capped at 200 attendees. Only registered participants will be admitted to this event.
Registration has not yet opened for this event. Members get first notice when registration opens! Become a member today to ensure you have a seat.
Douglass Community Center is located at 407 E. Market Street Leesburg, 20176. It is an ADA compliant building.
Ample free parking is available around the main building and in the back by the playground.